Project initialization

New Geospatial NIX.env project is started by running

nix run github:imincik/geospatial-nix.env/latest#geonixcli -- init

command which will create a couple of files in the current working directory.


flake.nix is the main Nix project entrypoint file which contains list of all project inputs and binary cache configuration. For basic use cases, this file doesn't need to be modified.


geonix.nix file contains project configuration and is modified by user according to their needs. See configuration.


overlays.nix provides a unique way of packages build process customization.


This file allows fast, automatic environment activation and evaluation caching when entering the project directory. To make it work, direnv must be installed on the host machine and this file must be renamed to .envrc.


All files must be added to Git before use, otherwise Nix will complain with not very user friendly No such file or directory error message.