Project environment configuration

The environment configuration is done in geonix.nix file. In this file, it is possible to declaratively add packages, services and support for programming languages.

Adding more features

By default, the new environment contains only a single gdalMinimal package in packages list.

{ inputs, config, lib, pkgs, ... }:

  packages = [

Adding more packages

Update packages list as following to add pdal package from Geospatial NIX repository and tmux package from Nixpkgs repository:

packages = [

Adding languages

Python language can be added by simply adding following line:

languages.python.enable = true;

Adding services

PostgreSQL service can be added by simply adding following line:

services.postgres.enable = true;


See configuration options for the complete list of available configuration options.

Checking the configuration

After making changes, check configuration using

nix run .#geonixcli -- check
